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A Simple Guide for Painting Old Pieces of Furniture

In most homes, you will find old things that have been there for generations. Some are of exceptional financial or emotional value, but over the years many others have become worthless. 

When it comes to old furniture, you would be surprised how a little fresh paint can change its look. Pick out the piece of furniture you would like to paint and follow this simple guide.

However, if you do not have the right piece of furniture, do not hesitate to visit places like thrift stores or flea markets. You never know what kind of hidden treasure awaits you there!

1. If your piece of furniture has a polyurethane finish, your first step would be to sand it down. It will help the paint to 'grab' onto the surface. You can do this with just a quick rub. Start with 80- to 100-grit sandpaper and finish off with 150- to 200-grit. The higher the number, the finer the sandpaper grit, and you will get the smoother surface.

 2. If the original color of your piece of furniture is darker, like red or black, and you are worried it might bleed through, apply a few coats of primer with a roller or brush. You should also use the primer if you are painting a raw wood that has never been painted or stained before.

 3. Now the fun part - deciding which color to choose! I’d recommend going with soft colors, like beige, grey, or neutral blue or green.

4. Once you have chosen the color, it is time to choose the paint finish. Your choice will depend on the look you want. Choose between satin, matte, semigloss, and gloss. And for an extra touch, think about adding some wax or glaze. But be careful - the surface should be clean and dry, without any dust or particles before you apply your wax. If this piece of furniture is going to be used a lot (nightstand, buffet, table, etc..), protecting it with a poly sealer/topcoat would be a good idea.

5. This is not a necessary step, but if you want to give your piece a more antiqued look, you can sand off the top layer of paint to expose the color underneath. Give it a try if you love unique pieces of furniture.

After reading these tips, I hope you will think twice before throwing out old furniture. With a bit of creativity and skill, maybe that old chair or table could now be a new statement piece in your home. And while painting the old furniture, not only you will save some money, but you will have lots of fun, too.